If your pup has terrible breath, or thick brown plaque covering their teeth, then listen up. While these “common” dental issues seem innocent enough, they actually require your immediate attention.
Many owners think bad breath is a fact of life for their beloved pup…
Unfortunately, that couldn’t be further from the truth. The reality is it’s a serious cause for concern if left unattended.
Bad breath is an early warning sign that your dog’s mouth could be swamped with harmful oral bacteria. And once this bad breath appears, a visible buildup of plaque and tartar can soon follow.
At this point, you can’t afford to wait any longer…
And if you continue to ignore this bacterial invasion…
It can soon enter your dog’s bloodstream, causing a chain reaction of health issues around their body – even affecting vital organs.
So, what can you do to target this potentially catastrophic bacteria and keep your dog’s breath fresh?
Well, you’ll be shocked when you discover how simple it can be, thanks to a remarkable dog dental formula. Many owners are calling it a must-have canine dental product.’ And it could be the answer for your dog too.
Love2Dogs rocketed onto the market in 2020 and immediately started making waves on social media and in the news. Now, it’s one of the highest-rated pet supplement companies with over 4,000 5-star reviews!
Below are just some of the formula’s game-changing benefits that make it an absolute no-brainer for dog parents
As we’ve established, an explosion of oral bacteria is a huge threat to your dog’s health and wellbeing – not to mention their breath!
Love2Dogs Oralbark mouthwash contains a powerful blend of natural bacteria-targeting ingredients that combat bacterial build-up in the mouth, which in turn supports overall oral hygiene and the maintenance of fresh, kiss-friendly breath.
When you consider how tough it is to look after your dog’s teeth and gums using conventional methods, it’s no surprise that many owners report neglecting their dog’s dental health.
What truly makes this formula a game-changer is how it’s exceptionally easy-to-use. Simply add one teaspoon to at least 30 ml of your dog’s water daily.
Oh, and if you’re worried your fussy pup won’t like the flavor…don’t be! This formula is 100% taste and odor-free once diluted, meaning even the pickiest of pups will happily sip away.
Sebastien, a Frenchie belonging to a close friend of mine, had terrible breath that made kisses and cuddles unbearable. But after a month of using the formula, he was a different dog – and his owner couldn’t wait for her morning kisses again. Put simply…
In light of these incredible results, it’s important to note that this mouthwash for dogs isn’t a magic pill to cure serious dental problems. If this is the case for your dog, then it’s likely they need to see a vet.
That said, if you’re looking to create the ideal dental environment to support and maintain healthy teeth and gums of your pup – this mouthwash is a MUST.
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