Discover why 1.5 million+ dogs are tail-waggingly happy thanks to Love2Dogs
Note: After reading, you’ll probably never go another day without giving your dog this…
If you spot your dog paw licking, itching, biting, or head shaking plus a foul smell from the irritated area then it’s likely they have a yeast issue. This is particularly common during the summer months and can leave your pup in a lot of discomfort if ignored… Find out below how to help them now.
When you know what to look out for, the signs of yeast overgrowth are clear to see. But what virtually every dog owner today is unaware of, is where yeast overgrowth originates from.
And that’s a huge problem because without tackling its root cause, bouts of yeast overgrowth will become a common feature of a dog’s life.
Now, as surprising as it may seem, the yeast that causes endless itchiness and such a horrendous stench, actually stems from your dog’s gut.
See when a dog’s gut becomes overwhelmed with yeast and bacteria, it soon spreads like wildfire around the rest of your dog’s body. Before long, disgusting yeast can infest your pup’s paws, ears, and skin.
Itchy, smelly ears lead to furious head-shaking and scratching. Tingling, yeasty paws leave dogs no option but to lick and bite in a desperate attempt for relief. And smooth, silky coats soon give way to dry skin and flaking.
Let’s be honest, our dogs deserve far, far better. The thing is, the power is within our hands to help them, thanks to a remarkable new Probiotic Chew. And, it could be the key to your pup’s future health, comfort, and happiness too.
Love2Dogs SuperChews hit the market in 2020 and immediately started making waves on social media and in the news. Now, it’s one of the highest-rated pet supplement companies with over 4,000 5-star reviews!
Below are some of the SuperChews game-changing benefits that make it an absolute no-brainer for dog parents.
As we’ve established, many forms of discomfort are a reaction to disruptive bacteria and yeast deep down in their gut. And if the ’bad bacteria’ is left unattended, it can spread around.
Recent studies1 show a dog’s gut makeup and balance of good and bad bacteria impact its immune system.
Fortunately, Love2Dogs SuperChews are filled with 3 billion “units” of good bacteria! This good bacteria enters a dog’s stomach and re-balances the overall bacteria makeup in their digestive system.
Seasonal allergies can fast turn a pup from fun, bright, and peppy to itchy, stressed, and uncomfortable.
Maybe you’ve tried countless remedies to conquer your dog’s allergies, only for them to return year after year…
However, the real reason you’ve never managed to ensure long-lasting comfort for your pup is that you’ve likely never tackled the root cause of their seasonal allergies.
And as surprising as it might seem, allergies often originate from poor gut health. Now, you already know poor gut health can impact a dog’s immune system…
And that’s just another reason why Love2Dogs SuperChews are so great. By helping restore your dog’s gut bacteria, they assist with a healthy immune system…
And that’s the real key to weathering seasonal or environmental allergies!
Dogs get environmental stress just like us humans and stress levels can seriously affect their mental well-being. Especially if they’re part of big families that are loud, own multiple pets and put them in kennels when travelling.
This stress affects the digestive tract and impacts their mood – and if your dog is challenged by occasional stress due to travelling or environmental changes, or perhaps events like fireworks, then studies2 have shown that…
Probiotics could help a great deal.
Vets also recommend giving your dog probiotics a few days before you know they’re about to go through something potentially stressful3. For example, around fireworks, moving or seeing the vet.
Plus, some dogs get stressed easier than others. If that’s the case for your pooch, then a daily dose of probiotics will help support everyday situations like going on car rides or being left alone while you’re at work.
Java isn’t alone too. Bertie, a dog belonging to a close friend of mine, (the beautiful dog featured in the video you may have seen) also had similar problems of constantly itching and paw licking. But after a few weeks of eating the chews, he was a different dog – able to enjoy life again. Put simply…
In light of these incredible results, it’s important to note that these probiotics aren’t a magic pill to cure infections or serious skin problems. If this is the case for your dog then it’s likely they need to see a vet.
That said, if you’re looking to create the ideal gut environment to support and maintain healthy skin and overall wellness of your pup-this probiotic supplement chew is a MUST.
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